MediCircle welcomes and actively seeks feedback from Service Users and Members. This can take the form of either complaints or compliments, which can be verbal or written. Complaints and compliments are viewed by MediCircle as a key performance indicator that can provide quality assurance as well as opportunities for improvement.


MediCircle believe that compliments should be shared with Members and employees. Should a Service User/Client or other individual take the time to provide positive feedback, we will acknowledge this and pass the information on to our Members and employees. Positive feedback also assists with Members NMC revalidation.

MediCircle encourage Members and employees to share with management any compliments they receive. Positive feedback can also be raised during appraisal, or in the case of Members, through Clinical Supervision. Management will ensure that positive feedback is captured within the Monthly Quality Monitoring Report and summarised in the Annual Quality Monitoring Report.


MediCircle aim to provide a high-quality service to all our Service Users and Members. However, we acknowledge that - despite our best efforts - there may be times when individuals feel the service we have provided is unsatisfactory. We welcome feedback as it gives us a unique opportunity to improve and develop. Service Users and Members can provide us with feedback at any time. However, should Service Users or Members wish to raise a formal complaint, the following Procedure has been developed to ensure the complaint process is clear, simple, and effective in delivering speedy resolutions.

In handling complaints, we aim to:

  • Resolve issues quickly for our Service Users and Members.

  • Keep complainants informed of the progress of their complaint and the results of investigations.

  • Seek to learn from complaints to improve future performance.

  • Protect complainants’ information in line with GDPR and the Data Protection Act.

Who can use MediCircle’s Complaints Policy and Procedure?

  • This Complaints Procedure applies to individuals or organisations who:

  • Receive services from MediCircle or are potential recipients of services.

  • Are providers of services to MediCircle.

  • Are otherwise affected by the activities of the Agency.

Informal Procedure

The Procedure to resolve a problem or issue informally is as follows:

1. Complainants should report concerns immediately to a member of management, in person, in writing, or over the telephone.

2. Management will complete a Complaint Form. If the complaint relates to a particular member of management, the complainant can ask that a different staff member handles your complaint.

3. If the issue cannot be resolved immediately, management will advise the complainant of the expected date of resolution. In most cases regarding informal complaint, we will aim to find a resolution at the time of complaint.

4. Our response will be made in writing and will be recorded for internal monitoring in the Complaints Register.

5. All complaints received by MediCircle, even those that are resolved immediately, must be recorded by management to be monitored.

Formal Procedure

MediCircle would hope that complaints can be resolved satisfactorily informally. However, if the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, or if the issue is considered ‘major’, it can be recorded as a Formal Complaint. The Procedure to resolve a problem or issue formally is as follows:

1. Complainants should raise a Formal Complaint in writing via post or email, addressed to MediCircle management. Management will create a Complaint Form and confirm accuracy of the complaint with the complainant. This may involve a follow-up telephone call and email to confirm details.

2. Formal complaints will be acknowledged within three working days in writing, stating the name and contact details of the individual handling the complaint, the process for dealing with a formal complaint, and the date by which the complainant can expect a response.

3. MediCircle aim to respond to formal complaints, in writing, within 10 working days, informing the complainant of the outcome of our investigations. If the complaint cannot be resolved within 28 working days, MediCircle will contact the complainant to advise them of what progress has been made.

After investigation, MediCircle may find a complaint to be unfounded. It is possible that a complaint will be related to circumstances beyond the Agency’s control, for example, the performance of other organisations or services, in which case the complainant will be directed to other sources for advice or assistance. Where a complaint is upheld, MediCircle will make a full and formal apology to the complainant and, where appropriate, complainants will be provided with an explanation of actions that will be taken to prevent a recurrence.

If the complainant remains dissatisfied, they can refer the complaint for further investigation through The Northern Ireland Ombudsman:

The Northern Ireland Ombudsman Progressive House 33-37 Wellington Place Belfast BTI 6HN

Telephone: 028 9023 3821


The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) can be contacted only if the complainant feels MediCircle have breached Regulations and Standards:

RQIA 7th Floor Victoria House 15 - 27 Gloucester Street Belfast BT1 4LST

Telephone: 028 95 36 1111


Where necessary, MediCircle will work in co-operation with outside bodies tasked with carrying out an independent investigation e.g. Trusts, RQIA, or the NI Ombudsman.

A record of all complaints will be kept for inspection by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA). If requested by RQIA, MediCircle will supply a summary of any complaints made during the preceding twelve months, and any actions taken.

All Service Users and, upon request, the Service User's representative, are given a copy of MediCircle’s Complaints Procedure in the Service User’s Guide. A summary of the Complaints Procedure is included in the Candidate Handbook. The Complaints Policy is also published on MediCircle’s website. Service Users who have a specific requirement i.e. sight impairment, additional language etc., will receive a copy of the Complaints Procedure in a format that is suitable for their needs, where possible.

If you are unable to communicate your complaint, advocacy organisations offer a free, independent service that can help

MediCircle 2024